
Since I started blogging, I’ve received some feedback, notes of appreciation and encouragement. I’ve started to compile some of them below:

Scott Smith
Scott Smith – President – High Performance Solutions

“It is rare to find a true Transformational Leader like Glenn.   Fueled by a passion to develop skilled problem solvers, your leadership by example, hard work and strong balance between coaching and motivation allows those that you lead have success.

Your support for the HPS Consortium members is exceptional and you were a highlight of our Lean Leadership forum.  Thank you for keeping both myself and the organizations the consortiums support on our toes.”


“WOW! I’m impressed with your blog and content. I’ve learned much by your approach and message. From my perspective, I can only add “The Child is Father of the Man.” Great job!”

Don Dougherty – President, Dougherty Management DNA Change, Tempe, Arizona


“I love that you’re doing this blog, Glenn. I’ve seen AND done it all when it comes to personal productivity – I even teach courses on it. I’ve listened to tons of books on the subject and taken a number of courses over the years. I must say though, your system is the best I’ve seen. A perfect blend of great theorists like David Allen (GTD), Stephen Covey, and John Maxwell PLUS the often overlooked practical HOW TO’s from an engineer’s mind. I love your focus on work/life balance and being a good HUMAN. Life can truly be best enjoyed by working hard, helping others and getting your priorities right.

You came and did a keynote presentation to the physician leaders at the hospital where I work a couple of years ago, and I find myself revisiting your material time and time again. I’ve reflected on some areas where I need to improve my own personal productivity and leadership and I’ve decided to put your model into practice full bore!!”

Stephanie Brundl, MHSc (Health Admin), BHSc (OT), BPE

Director Organizational Development & Volunteers

Grand River Hospital